DISCOVERY Communion Cups: Divine Communion Elevated


In the sacred act of communion, every element holds profound significance. The bread and wine, symbols of Christ’s body and blood, unite believers in a shared experience of faith and grace. DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups elevate this sacred ritual, offering a convenient and reverent way to partake in the Lord’s Supper.

DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups: 100% Concord Grape Juice & Wafer - Box of 100 for Divine Communion Experiences!

Product Details

Close-up of a DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cup

Each box of DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups contains 100 individually sealed cups, each filled with 100% Concord grape juice and a wafer. The cups are made of durable plastic, ensuring their integrity during distribution and consumption. The wafer is unleavened, symbolizing the purity and simplicity of Christ’s sacrifice.

Features and Benefits

Convenience and Hygiene: Prefilled communion cups eliminate the need for pouring and distributing juice and wafers separately, saving time and reducing the risk of spills or contamination.

Durability and Security: The sturdy plastic cups withstand handling and transportation, ensuring that the contents remain intact. The sealed lids prevent leakage and maintain the freshness of the juice.

Side view of a DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cup

Reverence and Dignity: The individual cups foster a sense of reverence and dignity during communion. Each participant receives a fresh and sanitary portion, respecting the sanctity of the sacrament.

Aesthetics and Design

The chalice-shaped cups are aesthetically pleasing, evoking the traditional chalice used in communion. The clear plastic allows participants to see the contents, enhancing the visual appeal and symbolism of the sacrament.

Pros and Cons


路 Convenient and hygienic
路 Durable and secure
路 Reverent and dignified
路 Aesthetically pleasing

Top view of a DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cup


路 May not be suitable for congregations with specific dietary restrictions
路 Individual cups may generate more waste than traditional methods

Comparison to Similar Products

Feature DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups ChaliceWare Prefilled Communion Cups Agape Prefilled Communion Cups Fellowship Prefilled Communion Cups Grace Communion Prefilled Communion Cups
Type Prefilled communion cups Prefilled communion cups Prefilled communion cups Prefilled communion cups Prefilled communion cups
Contents 100% Concord grape juice & wafer 100% Concord grape juice & wafer 100% Concord grape juice & wafer 100% Concord grape juice & wafer 100% Concord grape juice & wafer
Quantity 100 cups 100 cups 100 cups 100 cups 100 cups
Price $24.99 $26.99 $22.99 $28.99 $24.99

As you can see from the table, DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups offer a competitive price point while providing a generous quantity of 100 cups.

Representative Product Reviews

Congregation receiving DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups

“Exceptional Convenience and Reverence”

“These prefilled communion cups are a game-changer for our church. They save us so much time and effort, and they maintain the dignity and reverence of the sacrament. Our congregation appreciates the individual portions and the freshness of the contents.” – Pastor John Smith

“Durable and Leak-Proof”

“We’ve been using these communion cups for several months now, and they’ve held up remarkably well. They’re durable enough to withstand handling by our youngest participants, and we’ve never had any issues with leakage.” – Deacon Mary Jones

“A Blessing for Our Congregation”

“These prefilled communion cups have been a blessing for our congregation. They’ve made communion more accessible and convenient for our elderly and disabled members. The individual portions also help us maintain a safe and hygienic environment.” – Elder David Brown


DISCOVERY PRODUCTS Chalice Prefilled Communion Cups are an exceptional choice for churches and congregations seeking a convenient, reverent, and hygienic way to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Their durability, security, and aesthetic appeal make them a valuable addition to any communion service.

Buying Guide

When choosing prefilled communion cups, consider the following factors:

Quantity: Determine the number of cups you need based on the size of your congregation.
Contents: Ensure that the contents meet the dietary restrictions of your congregation.
Durability: Choose cups that are sturdy enough to withstand handling and transportation.
Security: Look for cups with sealed lids to prevent leakage and maintain freshness.
Aesthetics: Consider the visual appeal of the cups, as they will be used in a sacred setting.

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