GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ: The Ultimate Snack Guide


In today’s fast-paced world, finding healthy and convenient snacks for kids can be a challenge. GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ Variety Pack offers a delicious and nutritious solution that will keep your little ones energized and satisfied. This pack of 20 unsweetened pouches is made with real fruit and vegetables, providing a burst of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ Variety Pack, Pedal Peach and Boulder Berry, 3.2 oz (Pack of 20), Unsweetened Snacks for Kids, Gluten Free, Nut Free, Dairy Free, Recloseable Cap, BPA Free Pouches : Everything Else

Product Details

A close-up of a GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouch, showing the recloseable cap and durable construction

· Brand: GoGo SqueeZ
· Product: Fruit & VeggieZ Variety Pack
· Flavors: Pedal Peach and Boulder Berry
· Size: 3.2 oz per pouch
· Quantity: 20 pouches
· Unsweetened: No added sugar
· Gluten-free: Suitable for individuals with celiac disease or gluten intolerance

A child squeezing a GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouch, enjoying a healthy and delicious snack

· Nut-free: Safe for those with nut allergies
· Dairy-free: Ideal for lactose-intolerant children
· Recloseable cap: Convenient for on-the-go snacking
· BPA-free pouches: Ensures the safety of your child’s food

Features and Benefits

Nutritional Powerhouse:

· Each pouch contains a blend of real fruit and vegetables, providing a rich source of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
· Pedal Peach is packed with vitamin C, potassium, and fiber, while Boulder Berry is a good source of vitamin A, vitamin C, and fiber.

Unsweetened Goodness:

· No added sugar means you can give your kids a healthy snack without worrying about sugar crashes or cavities.
· The natural sweetness of the fruit and vegetables provides a satisfying taste that kids will love.

A group of GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouches in different flavors, providing a variety of nutritional benefits


· GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ are gluten-free, nut-free, and dairy-free, making them suitable for children with food allergies.
· Parents can rest assured that their kids are getting a safe and nutritious snack.

Convenience and Portability:

· The recloseable cap allows for easy snacking on the go.
· The pouches are lightweight and portable, making them perfect for school lunches, road trips, or any other adventure.

Durability and Security:

A mother packing GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ pouches in her child's school lunch, ensuring a healthy and convenient snack for the day.

· The BPA-free pouches ensure that your child’s food is safe from harmful chemicals.
· The durable construction of the pouches prevents leaks and spills, even when handled by little hands.

Aesthetics and Design

The GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ Variety Pack features bright and colorful packaging that is sure to appeal to kids. The pouches are designed with a fun and playful aesthetic that will make snack time more enjoyable.

Pros and Cons


· Nutritious and unsweetened
· Allergy-friendly
· Convenient and portable
· Durable and safe
· Appealing packaging


· Some may find the pouches to be a bit small
· Not as filling as a larger snack

Comparison to Similar Products

Feature GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ Gerber Graduates Fruit & Veggie Purees Happy Family Organics Mighty Fruit & Veggie Pouches Earth’s Best Organic Fruit & Veggie Purees Plum Organics Mighty 4 Fruit & Veggie Blends
Flavors Pedal Peach, Boulder Berry Apple, Banana, Sweet Potato Apple, Banana, Mango, Sweet Potato Apple, Banana, Mango, Sweet Potato Apple, Banana, Mango, Sweet Potato
Size 3.2 oz 3.5 oz 3.5 oz 3.5 oz 3.5 oz
Quantity 20 pouches 12 pouches 12 pouches 12 pouches 12 pouches
Unsweetened Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Gluten-free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Nut-free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dairy-free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Recloseable cap Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
BPA-free pouches Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Price $19.99 $14.99 $16.99 $15.99 $17.99

As you can see from the table:

· GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ offers a slightly smaller pouch size but comes with a larger quantity of pouches.
· All of the products are unsweetened, gluten-free, nut-free, dairy-free, and have recloseable caps.
· GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ is priced slightly higher than some of the other products.

Representative Product Reviews

· “My kids love these pouches! They’re a great way to get them to eat their fruits and vegetables.” – Sarah J.
· “I love that these pouches are unsweetened and allergy-friendly. My son with celiac disease can enjoy them without any worries.” – Emily K.
· “These pouches are so convenient for on-the-go snacking. I always keep a few in my diaper bag.” – Jessica M.
· “The flavors are delicious and the pouches are durable. My kids have never had a problem with them leaking.” – Michael B.
· “I wish the pouches were a bit bigger, but overall I’m very happy with this product.” – Lisa C.

Real-World Usage Comments

· “I use GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ as a quick and easy breakfast for my kids. They love the taste and it gives them a boost of energy to start their day.” – Jennifer S.
· “I pack these pouches in my kids’ school lunches every day. They’re a healthy and filling snack that keeps them going until dinner.” – Michelle R.
· “My toddler loves to squeeze the pouches himself. It’s a great way for him to practice his fine motor skills.” – Amanda G.
· “I’ve even used these pouches to make smoothies and popsicles. They’re so versatile and convenient.” – Sarah J.


GoGo SqueeZ Fruit & VeggieZ Variety Pack is a nutritious, convenient, and allergy-friendly snack that is perfect for kids of all ages. With its unsweetened goodness, durable construction, and appealing packaging, it’s a smart choice for parents who want to give their children a healthy and satisfying treat.

Buying Guide

When choosing a fruit and veggie pouch for your child, consider the following factors:

· Nutritional value: Look for pouches that contain a variety of fruits and vegetables, and avoid those with added sugar.
· Allergy concerns: If your child has any food allergies, make sure to choose pouches that are free from those allergens.
· Convenience: Consider the size and quantity of the pouches, as well as whether they have recloseable caps.
· Durability: Choose pouches that are made from durable materials to prevent leaks and spills.
· Price: Compare the prices of different products to find the best value for your money.

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