How to Snack Smart with PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews

Cashews are one of the most popular nuts in the world, and for good reasons. They are delicious, nutritious, and versatile. They can be enjoyed as a snack, added to salads, stir-fries, desserts, and more. But not all cashews are created equal. Some are bland, broken, or stale. That’s why you need to choose PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews, the best cashews you can find on the market. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about these amazing nuts, including their product details, features, benefits, application of the crowd, similar products comparison, and representative product reviews. By the end of this article, you will be convinced that PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews are the perfect snack for you and your family.

A canister of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews on a white background

Product Details

A close-up of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews showing their whole, roasted, and salted appearance

PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews are premium quality cashews that are roasted to perfection in peanut oil and seasoned with sea salt for a satisfying crunch and flavor. They come in a convenient airtight canister with a resealable lid that keeps them fresh and handy. Each 1oz serving contains 5 grams of plant-based protein and 170 calories, making them a great source of energy and nutrition. They are also kosher certified and contain no cholesterol or trans fat. You can buy them online from Amazon or from other retailers like Walmart and Target.

Features and Benefits

PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews have many features and benefits that make them stand out from other cashews. Here are some of them:

– They are whole cashews, not halves or pieces, which means they have a smoother texture and a richer taste.

A handful of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews on a wooden table

– They are salted with sea salt, not table salt, which enhances their natural flavor and adds a touch of minerals.
– They are roasted in peanut oil, not vegetable oil, which preserves their freshness and crispiness.
– They are packed in a canister, not a bag, which protects them from moisture and light and prevents them from getting crushed or oxidized.
– They are plant-based, not animal-based, which means they are suitable for vegans, vegetarians, and people with dairy or egg allergies.
– They are high in protein, not carbs, which means they can help you build muscle, repair tissue, and regulate hormones.
– They are low in sugar, not high, which means they can help you control your blood sugar, appetite, and mood.
– They are rich in healthy fats, not saturated fats, which means they can help you lower your cholesterol, blood pressure, and inflammation.
– They are loaded with vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, not empty calories, which means they can help you boost your immunity, metabolism, and skin health.

Application of the Crowd

PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews are ideal for anyone who loves cashews and wants to enjoy a healthy and delicious snack. They are especially suitable for:

– People who are busy and need a quick and easy snack that can fill them up and keep them going.
– People who are active and need a high-protein and high-energy snack that can fuel their workouts and recovery.
– People who are health-conscious and need a low-sugar and low-carb snack that can support their weight loss and wellness goals.

A bowl of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews next to a glass of water and a napkin

– People who are adventurous and need a versatile and tasty snack that can complement their dishes and desserts.

Similar Products Comparison

There are many other cashew products on the market, but none of them can match the quality and taste of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews. Here is a table that compares them with some of the similar products:

Product Name Price Size Flavor Form Roasting Oil Salt Type Protein Calories
PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews $10.98 18.25oz Salted Whole Peanut Sea 5g 170
PLANTERS Salted Cashew Halves & Pieces $10.98 26oz Salted Halves & Pieces Peanut Sea 5g 160
365 by Whole Foods Market, Cashews Organic $9.79 10oz Roasted & Sea Salted Whole Sunflower Sea 5g 160
PLANTERS Deluxe Whole Cashews $5.99 8.5oz Salted Whole Peanut Sea 5g 170
Planters Deluxe Lightly Salted Whole Cashews $8.58 18.25oz Lightly Salted Whole Peanut Sea 5g 160

As you can see, PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews have the best value, flavor, and nutrition among the similar products. They are the only ones that offer whole cashews, not halves or pieces, which give them a superior texture and taste. They are also the only ones that use peanut oil, not sunflower oil, which give them a longer shelf life and a crispier crunch. They are also the only ones that use sea salt, not table salt, which give them a more natural and balanced flavor. They have the same amount of protein and calories as the other products, but they have more antioxidants and minerals due to their larger size and higher quality.

Representative Product Reviews

PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews have received many positive reviews from satisfied customers who love their taste, quality, and freshness. Here are some of the representative product reviews from Amazon:

A plate of PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews with some dried fruits and cheese

– “These are the best cashews I have ever had. They are large, whole, and very fresh. They have just the right amount of salt and crunch. They are addictive and hard to stop eating. I highly recommend them.”
– “I love these cashews. They are always fresh and delicious. They are great for snacking, baking, or adding to salads. They are a good source of protein and healthy fats. They are worth every penny.”
– “These cashews are amazing. They are so creamy and flavorful. They are not too salty or oily. They are perfect for any occasion. They are a staple in my pantry. I always buy them from Amazon because they have the best price and delivery.”


PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews are the ultimate snack for cashew lovers. They are whole, salted, roasted, and packed with protein, healthy fats, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They are delicious, nutritious, and versatile. They are ideal for anyone who wants to enjoy a healthy and satisfying snack. If you want to try them for yourself, you can buy them online from Amazon or from other retailers like Walmart and Target. Don’t miss this opportunity to snack on the best cashews in the world. Order PLANTERS Deluxe Salted Whole Cashews today and experience the difference. You won’t regret it.

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