Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast: A Review

Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast: A Review

If you are looking for a high-quality wine yeast that can produce full-bodied and complex wines, you may want to consider Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast. This yeast is a strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that has been isolated in France from the Côtes-du-Rhône region. It is specially designed to ferment white and rosé wines, such as Chardonnay, Viognier, and Grenache. It can also be used for mead, cider, and kombucha. : Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast (10 Pack) - Make Wine Cider Mead Kombucha At Home - 5 g Sachets - Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Sold by CAPYBARA Distributors Inc. : Everything Else

In this article, we will review the product details, features, benefits, and drawbacks of Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast. We will also compare it with some similar products and provide some customer reviews. Finally, we will give you a link to buy this product online if you are interested.

A small white box with red and purple label that reads: 'Lalvin ICV D47. 5 g (0.176 oz). Wine Yeast. Selection ICV. Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Product of Canada'.

Product Details

Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast is sold by CAPYBARA Distributors Inc. on The product comes in a pack of 10 sachets, each containing 5 grams of dried active yeast. The price is $9.99, which means each sachet costs $0.99. The product has a shelf life of 2 years if stored in a cool and dry place.

The product description on provides the following information:

Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast is a low-foaming yeast that requires proper nutrition to avoid potential hydrogen sulfide production.

A product image of a box of 10 sachets of Lalvin D47 wine yeast. The box is red and white, with a picture of a bunch of grapes on the front. The text on the box reads: 'Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast - 10 Pack - Make Wine, Cider, Mead, Kombucha at Home - 5 g Sachets - Saccharomyces cerevisiae'.

– It has a moderate fermentation speed and can tolerate up to 14% alcohol by volume.
– It has a high polysaccharide production, which contributes to a round and soft mouthfeel and enhances the wine’s body and structure.
– It can metabolize malic acid partially, which reduces the acidity and increases the pH of the wine.
– It can produce fruity and floral aromas that complement the varietal character of the grapes.
– It is suitable for barrel fermentation and aging on lees, as it can enhance the complexity and creaminess of the wine.
– It is compatible with malolactic bacteria, which can further soften and stabilize the wine.

Features and Benefits

Based on the product details and some online research, we can summarize the main features and benefits of Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast as follows:

– It is a versatile yeast that can be used for different types of wines, mead, cider, and kombucha.
– It is easy to use, as it only requires rehydration in water before pitching into the must or juice.
– It is reliable and consistent, as it has been tested and certified by the Institut Coopératif du Vin (ICV), a leading research center for winemaking in France.
– It is a quality yeast that can produce premium wines with complex flavors, aromas, and textures.
– It is a cost-effective yeast that can yield high results with low investment.

A product image of a box of 10 packets of Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast. The box is red with a white label that has a picture of a bunch of grapes on it. The label also has the words 'Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast' and '10 Pack' on it.


No product is perfect, and Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast also has some drawbacks that you should be aware of before buying it. Here are some of them:

– It is not suitable for high-temperature fermentation, as it may produce off-flavors or stop working above 86°F (30°C).
– It is not suitable for high-sugar fermentation, as it may struggle to ferment beyond 14% alcohol by volume.
– It is not suitable for low-nutrient fermentation, as it may produce hydrogen sulfide or other undesirable compounds if not fed properly.
– It is not suitable for sparkling wines, as it may not have enough carbon dioxide production or tolerance to withstand secondary fermentation in the bottle.

Comparison with Similar Products

A photo of a box containing 10 sachets of Lalvin D47 wine yeast. Each sachet contains 5 grams of yeast. The box is labeled 'Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast (10 Pack) - Make Wine Cider Mead Kombucha At Home - 5 g Sachets - Saccharomyces cerevisiae - Sold by CAPYBARA Distributors Inc.'

To help you make an informed decision, we have compared Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast with three other popular wine yeasts: Red Star Premier Blanc Champagne Yeast, Red Star Côte des Blancs Wine Yeast, and Lalvin K1V-1116 Wine Yeast. We have used the following criteria: price per sachet, alcohol tolerance, fermentation temperature range, polysaccharide production, malic acid metabolism, aroma profile, and recommended wine styles. Here is a table that summarizes the comparison:

Product Price per sachet Alcohol tolerance Fermentation temperature range Polysaccharide production Malic acid metabolism Aroma profile Recommended wine styles
Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast $0.99 Up to 14% ABV 59 – 86°F (15 – 30°C) High Partial Fruity and floral White and rosé wines (Chardonnay, Viognier, Grenache)
Red Star Premier Blanc Champagne Yeast $0.79 Up to 18% ABV 50 – 95°F (10 – 35°C) Low None Neutral Sparkling wines, dry wines, cider
Red Star Côte des Blancs Wine Yeast $0.79 Up to 14% ABV 54 – 75°F (12 – 24°C) Low None Fruity and floral Light and fruity wines, cider
Lalvin K1V-1116 Wine Yeast $0.99 Up to 18% ABV 50 – 95°F (10 – 35°C) High None Fruity and floral Fruit and floral wines, mead, cider

As you can see, each yeast has its own strengths and weaknesses, and the best choice depends on your personal preference and the type of wine you want to make. However, based on the comparison, we can say that Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast stands out for its high polysaccharide production and partial malic acid metabolism, which can enhance the body, structure, and softness of the wine. It also has a distinctive fruity and floral aroma profile that can complement the varietal character of the grapes. It is ideal for white and rosé wines that are barrel fermented and aged on lees.

Customer Reviews

To give you a better idea of what other customers think of Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast, we have selected some representative reviews from Here are some positive and negative comments from verified buyers:

Positive Reviews:

– “I have used this yeast for several batches of mead and it always works great. It produces a smooth and flavorful mead that is not too dry or too sweet. It also works well with different types of honey and fruits. I highly recommend it.”
– “This yeast is amazing for making white wine. It gives a nice body and mouthfeel to the wine, and it brings out the fruitiness and floral notes of the grapes. It also works well with oak chips and malolactic bacteria. It is my go-to yeast for Chardonnay.”
– “I used this yeast for making peach wine and it turned out fantastic. It fermented quickly and cleanly, and it left a nice residual sweetness in the wine. It also enhanced the peach flavor and aroma, making it very refreshing and delicious.”

Negative Reviews:

– “I was disappointed with this yeast. It did not ferment well at all, and it left a lot of sediment in the wine. It also produced a lot of sulfur smell that was hard to get rid of. I had to add another yeast to finish the fermentation.”
– “This yeast is not good for high-sugar fermentation. I tried to make a dessert wine with it, but it stopped working at around 12% alcohol. It also left a lot of malic acid in the wine, making it too sour for my taste.”
– “This yeast is too sensitive to temperature changes. I had to keep my fermentation room at a constant temperature, otherwise it would slow down or stop working. It also did not produce much carbon dioxide, so I had to stir the must frequently to avoid oxidation.”


Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast is a high-quality wine yeast that can produce full-bodied and complex wines with fruity and floral aromas. It is suitable for white and rosé wines, such as Chardonnay, Viognier, and Grenache. It can also be used for mead, cider, and kombucha.

However, Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast also has some drawbacks that you should consider before buying it. It is not suitable for high-temperature fermentation, high-sugar fermentation, low-nutrient fermentation, or sparkling wines.

If you are interested in buying Lalvin D47 Wine Yeast, you can click on this link to order it online from

We hope this article has been helpful and informative for you. If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to leave them below.


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