Redmond Real Salt Review: A Natural, Unrefined, and Mineral-Rich Sea Salt

Redmond Real Salt – Ancient Fine Sea Salt, Unrefined Mineral Salt, 16 Ounce Pouch (1 Pack)

If you are looking for a natural, unrefined, and mineral-rich sea salt that can enhance the flavor and health of your food, you may want to consider Redmond Real Salt. This is a unique salt that comes from an ancient seabed in Utah, where it has been protected from modern pollution for millions of years. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and uses of Redmond Real Salt, as well as compare it with other popular sea salts on the market. We will also share some customer reviews and provide a link to purchase this product online. : Redmond Real Salt - Ancient Fine Sea Salt, Unrefined Mineral Salt, 16 Ounce Pouch (1 Pack) : Grocery & Gourmet Food

Features of Redmond Real Salt

A white plastic bag of Redmond Real Salt, a fine sea salt. The bag has a blue label with the product name, logo, and nutritional information.

Redmond Real Salt is different from other sea salts in several ways. Here are some of the main features of this salt:

– It is unrefined and unprocessed, which means it retains all the natural trace minerals and nutrients that are often stripped away from table salt and some sea salts. These minerals include potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, and more.
– It has a subtly sweet and savory flavor that enhances the taste of any dish. It is not bitter or metallic like some salts can be.
– It has a fine texture that dissolves easily and blends well with other ingredients. It is also available in coarse, kosher, and powder varieties for different applications and preferences.
– It is mined in the USA from an ancient seabed in Central Utah, where it has been preserved from modern contaminants for over 150 million years. It is the only pink and black salt mined in America.
– It is certified kosher, gluten-free, non-GMO, and organic. It does not contain any additives, anti-caking agents, or artificial colors.

A white plastic bag of Redmond Real Salt, a fine sea salt that is unrefined and mineral-rich.

Benefits of Redmond Real Salt

Redmond Real Salt offers several health benefits for its consumers. Some of the benefits are:

– It helps to balance the body’s fluid levels and blood pressure by providing adequate sodium and other electrolytes. Sodium is essential for nerve and muscle function, as well as regulating water retention and hydration.
– It supports the digestive system by stimulating saliva and gastric juice production, which aids in digestion and nutrient absorption. It also helps to prevent constipation and bloating by promoting bowel movements and eliminating waste.
– It boosts the immune system by providing trace minerals that are vital for cellular health and function. These minerals also act as antioxidants that protect the body from oxidative stress and inflammation.
– It improves the skin’s appearance and health by providing minerals that nourish and hydrate the skin cells. It also helps to exfoliate dead skin cells and unclog pores when used as a scrub or bath additive.
– It enhances the mood and mental well-being by providing minerals that support the brain’s neurotransmitters and hormones. These minerals also help to regulate stress levels and promote relaxation.

Uses of Redmond Real Salt

Redmond Real Salt can be used in various ways to add flavor and nutrition to your food and drinks. Some of the common uses are:

– Sprinkle it on salads, vegetables, meats, eggs, popcorn, or any other food that needs a touch of saltiness.

A white plastic bag of Redmond Real Salt, a type of unrefined mineral salt. The bag has a blue label with the product name and logo, as well as information about the product's benefits.

– Use it in baking, cooking, fermenting, pickling, or preserving foods to enhance their taste and shelf life.
– Add it to soups, stews, sauces, dressings, marinades, or dips to create delicious flavors and textures.
– Dissolve it in water or tea to make a mineral-rich drink that can replenish electrolytes and hydrate the body.
– Mix it with herbs, spices, oils, or vinegar to make your own seasoning blends or condiments.
– Use it as a natural remedy for sore throat, nasal congestion, toothache, or mouth ulcers by gargling or rinsing with salt water.
– Use it as a beauty product for your skin, hair, nails, or teeth by making a scrub, mask, soak, rinse, or paste with salt and other ingredients.

Comparison of Redmond Real Salt with Other Sea Salts

There are many types of sea salts available on the market today. Each one has its own characteristics and qualities that may appeal to different consumers. Here is a comparison table of Redmond Real Salt with four other popular sea salts:

Product Source Processing Color Texture Flavor Minerals
Redmond Real Salt Ancient seabed in Utah Unrefined Pinkish-gray Fine Subtly sweet and savory High
Celtic Sea Salt Atlantic Ocean near France Sun-dried Grayish-white Coarse Mildly briny High
Himalayan Pink Salt Himalayan Mountains in Pakistan Hand-mined Pink Fine to coarse Slightly sweet High
Maldon Sea Salt Flakes Blackwater Estuary in England Boiled and raked White Flaky Clean and crisp Low
Fleur de Sel Atlantic Ocean near France Skimmed from the surface White Crystalline Delicate and floral Low
A close-up image of a pile of fine sea salt on a wooden table. The salt is white and has a slightly off-white color. It is also slightly translucent. The salt is in a small pile and is surrounded by a larger pile of salt that has been spilled from a glass jar that is sitting on its side. The jar is made of clear glass and has a metal lid. The jar is half-full of salt. The background is a light brown wooden table.

As you can see, Redmond Real Salt stands out for its unique source, color, flavor, and mineral content. It is also more affordable and accessible than some of the other sea salts.

Customer Reviews of Redmond Real Salt

Redmond Real Salt has received many positive reviews from customers who have tried it and loved it. Here are some of the representative reviews:

– “I love this salt! It has a great flavor and texture, and it makes everything taste better. I also like that it is natural and unprocessed, and that it comes from a clean source. I use it for cooking, baking, and seasoning everything. I highly recommend it to anyone who wants a high-quality salt.”
– “This is the best salt I have ever used. It is not too salty or bitter, but just right. It has a nice crunch and a hint of sweetness. It also dissolves well in water and liquids. I use it for everything from soups to salads to popcorn. It is also good for your health, as it contains many trace minerals that are good for your body.”
– “I have been using this salt for years and I love it. It is the only salt I use in my kitchen. It has a wonderful flavor that enhances any dish. It is also good for your skin, as it helps to exfoliate and moisturize it. I use it as a scrub or a bath soak once in a while. It makes my skin feel soft and smooth.”


Redmond Real Salt is a natural, unrefined, and mineral-rich sea salt that can improve the taste and health of your food and drinks. It comes from an ancient seabed in Utah, where it has been protected from modern pollution for millions of years. It has a subtly sweet and savory flavor that brings out the best in each bite. It also has many health benefits, such as balancing fluids, supporting digestion, boosting immunity, improving skin, and enhancing mood. It can be used in various ways to add flavor and nutrition to your food and drinks, as well as to make natural remedies and beauty products for your skin, hair, nails, or teeth. It is also more affordable and accessible than some of the other sea salts on the market.

If you are interested in trying Redmond Real Salt, you can purchase it online from [Amazon]. You can choose from different sizes and varieties of this salt, depending on your needs and preferences. You can also check out other products from Redmond Life, such as toothpaste, clay, seasonings, and more.

Order Redmond Real Salt today and enjoy the difference!

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