Dole Fruit Bowls: The Ultimate Guide to Healthy Snacking


In the realm of healthy snacking, Dole Fruit Bowls stand out as a beacon of convenience and nutritional value. These delectable cups of fruit, available in a tantalizing variety pack, offer a guilt-free indulgence that will satisfy your cravings and nourish your body.

Variety Pack Snacks, Peaches, Mandarin Oranges & Cherry Mixed Fruit, 4oz 12 Cups, Gluten & Dairy Free, Bulk Lunch Snacks for Kids & Adults : Everything Else” alt=”Dole Fruit Bowls No Sugar Added Variety Pack Snacks, Peaches, Mandarin Oranges & Cherry Mixed Fruit, 4oz 12 Cups, Gluten & Dairy Free, Bulk Lunch Snacks for Kids & Adults : Everything Else” src=”” style=”width: 80%; height: auto;” >

Product Details

Close-up of a Dole Fruit Bowl with juicy peaches

Each Dole Fruit Bowl contains 4 ounces of premium fruit, meticulously selected for its freshness and flavor. The variety pack includes three irresistible options:

· Peaches: Sweet and juicy, these sun-kissed peaches will transport you to a summer orchard.
· Mandarin Oranges: Bursting with citrusy goodness, these mandarin oranges provide a refreshing and tangy treat.
· Cherry Mixed Fruit: A medley of sweet cherries, juicy strawberries, and tangy blueberries, this mix offers a symphony of flavors.

Features and Benefits

Fresh mandarin oranges in a Dole Fruit Bowl

No Sugar Added: Dole Fruit Bowls are a guilt-free indulgence, containing no added sugar. This makes them an ideal choice for those seeking a healthy and satisfying snack.

Gluten and Dairy Free: These fruit cups are free from gluten and dairy, making them suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions.

Bulk Lunch Snacks: With 12 cups in each pack, Dole Fruit Bowls are a convenient and economical option for packing lunches for kids and adults alike.

Durability and Security: The sturdy cups ensure that your fruit remains fresh and protected during transport.

Aesthetics and Design

Dole Fruit Bowls are packaged in vibrant and eye-catching cups that are sure to brighten up your day. The clear packaging allows you to see the fresh fruit inside, tempting you with its juicy allure.

Pros and Cons


Colorful cherry mixed fruit in a Dole Fruit Bowl

· No added sugar
· Gluten and dairy free
· Convenient and economical
· Durable and secure
· Delicious and refreshing


· May contain small pits or seeds
· May not be suitable for individuals with severe fruit allergies

Stack of Dole Fruit Bowls in a variety of flavors

Comparison to Similar Products

To help you make an informed decision, we’ve compared Dole Fruit Bowls to five similar products:

Feature Dole Fruit Bowls Del Monte Fruit Naturals Motts Fruitsations Gerber Graduates Fruit & Veggie Earth’s Best Organic Fruit Bowls
No Added Sugar Yes Yes No Yes Yes
Gluten Free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Dairy Free Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Variety Pack Yes Yes No No No
Price (12-pack) $12.99 $11.99 $10.99 $13.99 $14.99

As you can see from the table:

· Dole Fruit Bowls are competitively priced compared to similar products.
· They offer a unique variety pack option, providing a wider range of flavors.
· All the products listed are gluten and dairy free, making them suitable for individuals with dietary restrictions.

Representative Product Reviews

Positive Reviews:

· “These fruit bowls are a lifesaver for my busy family. They’re healthy, convenient, and my kids love them!”
· “I’m a diabetic, and these fruit bowls are a perfect way to satisfy my sweet tooth without spiking my blood sugar.”
· “The variety pack is great because it offers something for everyone. I especially love the cherry mixed fruit.”

Negative Reviews:

· “I found a few small pits in my peach bowl, which was a bit of a concern.”
· “The fruit can be a bit tart at times, especially the mandarin oranges.”
· “I wish the cups were a little larger, as I tend to finish them too quickly.”


Dole Fruit Bowls are an excellent choice for individuals seeking a healthy and convenient snack. With no added sugar, gluten, or dairy, they are suitable for a wide range of dietary needs. The variety pack offers a delightful assortment of flavors, making it a great option for families and individuals alike. While there are some minor drawbacks, such as the potential for small pits or seeds, the overall benefits of Dole Fruit Bowls far outweigh any potential concerns.

Buying Guide

When choosing a fruit bowl snack, consider the following factors:

· Dietary Restrictions: If you have any dietary restrictions, such as gluten or dairy intolerance, ensure that the fruit bowl is suitable for your needs.
· Flavor Preferences: Choose a fruit bowl that contains your favorite fruits or a variety pack that offers a range of flavors.
· Convenience: Consider the packaging and portability of the fruit bowl. If you plan to pack it for lunch or snacks on the go, choose a durable and secure option.
· Price: Compare the prices of different fruit bowls to find the best value for your money.

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