How to Make Perfect Old Fashioned Cocktails with Proof Syrup


If you love the classic Old Fashioned cocktail, but don’t have the time or skills to make it from scratch, you might be interested in trying Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. This is a ready-made syrup that contains all the ingredients you need to create a perfect Old Fashioned in seconds. All you have to do is add your favorite aged spirit, such as bourbon or rye whiskey, and enjoy. : Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer (16 Ounces) | Makes 32 Cocktails | All Natural Hand-Crafted Old Fashioned Syrup w/Real Bitters & Organic Sugar : Grocery & Gourmet Food

In this article, we will review the product details, features, benefits, and application of the crowd of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. We will also compare it with some similar products on the market and share some representative product reviews from customers. By the end of this article, you will have a better understanding of why Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is a great choice for anyone who loves Old Fashioned cocktails.

A bottle of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. The bottle is dark brown glass with a black cap. The label is gold and black with a proof logo at the top. The text on the label reads, 'Proof Syrup, Old Fashioned, Cocktail Mixer, Traditional, 16 Fluid Ounces.' The bottle is surrounded by orange slices and leaves.

Product Details

Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is a 16-ounce bottle that makes 32 cocktails. It is made from organic cane sugar, real citrus oils, and the best aromatic bitters in the world. It has a rich and balanced flavor that complements any aged spirit. It is also vegan, gluten-free, and non-GMO.

The product is easy to use. You just need to measure 2 ounces of your favorite aged spirit and 0.5 ounce of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer into a mixing glass. Then, add ice and stir to combine and chill. Finally, strain into an ice-filled rocks glass and garnish with an orange peel. You can also adjust the ratio of spirit and syrup according to your personal preference.

Features and Benefits

Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer has many features and benefits that make it a superior product. Here are some of them:

A dark brown glass bottle of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. The bottle has a black label with white text that says 'PROOF', 'OLD FASHIONED', and 'COCKTAIL SYRUP'. The bottle is also decorated with a white proof symbol.

– It is made from high-quality, natural ingredients that give it a fresh and authentic taste. Unlike some other cocktail mixers that use artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives, Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer uses only real ingredients that are carefully sourced and blended.
– It is convenient and consistent. You don’t need to worry about measuring, muddling, or mixing multiple ingredients to make a perfect Old Fashioned. With Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer, you can make a delicious and reliable cocktail in seconds, anytime and anywhere. You can also save time and money by not having to buy separate ingredients or tools.
– It is versatile and customizable. You can use Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer with any aged spirit, such as bourbon, rye, scotch, brandy, or rum. You can also experiment with different garnishes, such as cherries, lemon peels, or cinnamon sticks. You can even use it to make other cocktails, such as Manhattans, Sazeracs, or Whiskey Sours.
– It is enjoyable and satisfying. Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer delivers a smooth and complex flavor that enhances the character of your chosen spirit. It is not too sweet or too bitter, but just right. It is the perfect way to enjoy a classic cocktail that never goes out of style.

Application of the Crowd

Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is suitable for anyone who loves Old Fashioned cocktails, or who wants to try them for the first time. It is also ideal for anyone who likes to entertain guests, host parties, or give gifts. It is a great way to impress your friends, family, or clients with your cocktail-making skills, without spending too much time or effort.

Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is also a good option for anyone who values quality, convenience, and natural ingredients. It is a premium product that offers a simple and elegant solution for making delicious cocktails at home.

Similar Products Comparison

There are many other cocktail mixers on the market that claim to help you make Old Fashioned cocktails. However, not all of them are equal in terms of quality, flavor, or value. Here is a table that compares Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer with some of the most popular ones:

Product Name Price Size Ingredients Flavor Reviews
Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer $32.95 16 oz Organic cane sugar, real citrus oils, aromatic bitters Rich, balanced, authentic 4.7 out of 5 stars, 6310 ratings
Hella Cocktail Co. Old Fashioned Premium Cocktail Mixers $19.99 8.5 oz Cane sugar, water, orange peel, gentian root, spices, citric acid Sweet, citrusy, spicy 4.5 out of 5 stars, 1137 ratings
Barsmith Old Fashioned Mix $9.99 12.7 oz Cane sugar, water, natural flavors, citric acid, caramel color Sweet, artificial, caramel 4.4 out of 5 stars, 101 ratings
White’s Elixirs Old Fashioned Mix $14.99 16 oz Cane sugar, water, orange oil, cherry juice, spices, citric acid Sweet, fruity, tangy 4.3 out of 5 stars, 76 ratings
Cocktail Crate Spiced Old Fashioned $14.99 12.7 oz Cane sugar, water, orange peel, ginger, allspice, cloves, cardamom, black pepper, citric acid Sweet, spicy, herbal 4.2 out of 5 stars, 92 ratings

As you can see from the table, Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer has the highest price, but also the highest size, ratings, and quality of ingredients. It also has the most natural and authentic flavor, unlike some other products that use artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. Therefore, Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is the best value for money among the similar products.

A bottle of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. The bottle is made of glass and has a black label with white text. The label features the Proof Syrup logo, the product name, and a list of ingredients. The bottle is filled with a dark brown liquid.

Representative Product Reviews

To give you a better idea of what customers think about Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer, here are some representative product reviews from Amazon:

– “Proof makes it so easy to make the perfect drink, every time. Every time we serve our friends, we get a text the next day asking how they can order Proof.” – Noreen B.
– “I love the simplicity and flavor of making my whiskey and bourbon drinks with Proof Syrup. Enjoying a smokin’ hot Proof Syrup Manhattan.” – Ed H.
– “The perfect old fashioned!!” – Margaret H.
– “Love this product!! Saves time when making my old fashion!! I wish it would ship sooner!!!” – Tina B.
– “Best mix ever! So easy and perfect every time” – Mark W.

These reviews show that customers are very satisfied with Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. They praise its flavor, convenience, and consistency. They also recommend it to others who love Old Fashioned cocktails.

A bottle of Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer. The bottle is dark brown glass with a black label. The label has the words 'Proof Syrup' in white letters at the top. The words 'Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer' are in smaller white letters below the Proof Syrup logo. The bottle contains 16 ounces of syrup.


In conclusion, Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer is a high-quality, natural, and convenient product that helps you make perfect Old Fashioned cocktails in seconds. It has a rich and balanced flavor that complements any aged spirit. It is also versatile, customizable, and enjoyable. It is suitable for anyone who loves Old Fashioned cocktails, or who wants to try them for the first time. It is also ideal for anyone who likes to entertain guests, host parties, or give gifts.

If you are interested in buying Proof Syrup Traditional Old Fashioned Cocktail Mixer, you can click on this link to order it from Amazon. You can also visit the official website of Proof Syrup to learn more about the product and the company. You can also check out some other flavors of Proof Syrup, such as Black Walnut, Maple Bacon, Orange, Pecan, or Pumpkin Spice.

We hope this article has been informative and helpful for you. Thank you for reading and happy cocktail-making!

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