Louisville Vegan Jerky: A Delicious and Healthy Snack for Everyone

Louisville Vegan Jerky: A Delicious and Healthy Snack for Everyone

If you are looking for a satisfying and nutritious snack that is vegan, gluten-free, and high in protein, you might want to try Louisville Vegan Jerky. This plant-based jerky is made from textured soy protein and seasoned with natural ingredients to create a chewy and flavorful treat that can rival any meat-based jerky. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about Louisville Vegan Jerky, including its product details, features, benefits, application of the crowd, similar products comparison, and some representative product reviews. We will also provide you with a purchase link at the end of the article, so you can easily order this amazing snack online.

Louisville Vegan Jerky - Variety Pack, Vegan Jerky, 15-21 Grams of Protein, Gluten-Free Ingredients, Includes Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, & Buffalo Dill (3 oz, 5-Pack) : Grocery & Gourmet Food

Product Details

A photo of five packages of Louisville Vegan Jerky. The flavors are Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, and Buffalo Dill.

Louisville Vegan Jerky is a product of Louisville Vegan Jerky Company, a small business based in Louisville, Kentucky. The company was founded in 2012 by Stanley Chase III, who started making vegan jerky in his home kitchen and selling it at local farmers markets. Since then, the company has grown to produce over 15,000 bags of jerky per month and distribute them to over 1,000 stores across the US and Canada.

Each bag of Louisville Vegan Jerky contains 3 ounces of soy-based jerky, which is equivalent to about 2 servings. The jerky comes in five main flavors: Smoked Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, and Buffalo Dill. Each flavor has its own unique taste and texture, ranging from sweet and smoky to spicy and tangy. The ingredients are mostly organic and locally sourced, and the soy protein is non-GMO certified. The jerky is also free of gluten, cholesterol, trans fat, and preservatives.


Some of the features that make Louisville Vegan Jerky stand out from other vegan jerkies are:

A variety pack of Louisville Vegan Jerky. The flavors included are Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, and Buffalo Dill. Each bag is 3 ounces.

– Handmade in small batches with fresh ingredients
– Marinated for hours with natural seasonings and spices
– Dehydrated at low temperatures to preserve the nutrients and flavor
– Packed in resealable bags for freshness and convenience
– Available in a variety of flavors to suit different preferences
– Certified vegan by Vegan Action


Some of the benefits that you can get from eating Louisville Vegan Jerky are:

– A great source of plant-based protein: Each serving of jerky provides 15 to 21 grams of protein, which is essential for building and maintaining muscle mass, repairing tissues, and supporting immune function.
– A low-fat and low-calorie snack: Each serving of jerky contains only 4 grams of fat and 80 to 120 calories, which can help you control your weight and cholesterol levels.
– A good source of dietary fiber: Each serving of jerky contains 3 to 4 grams of fiber, which can help you regulate your digestion, lower your blood sugar levels, and prevent constipation.
– A rich source of iron: Each serving of jerky provides 10 to 15% of the daily value of iron, which is vital for transporting oxygen in the blood, preventing anemia, and supporting energy production.

A close-up image of a package of Louisville Vegan Jerky. The package is black with blue and white text. The front of the package features the Louisville Vegan Jerky logo, the product name, and a list of the product's ingredients.

– A delicious and satisfying snack: The jerky has a chewy and meaty texture that can satisfy your cravings for something savory and hearty. The flavors are also bold and diverse, offering a burst of taste in every bite.

Application of the Crowd

Louisville Vegan Jerky is suitable for anyone who enjoys savory snacks and wants to eat more plant-based foods. It is especially ideal for:

– Vegans and vegetarians who want to increase their protein intake and enjoy a meat-like snack without harming animals
– Gluten-free people who want to avoid wheat and gluten-containing ingredients that can cause digestive issues or allergic reactions
– Health-conscious people who want to avoid cholesterol, trans fat, preservatives, and other unhealthy additives that can harm their health
– Busy people who want a convenient and portable snack that they can eat anytime and anywhere
– Adventurous people who want to try new and exciting flavors that can spice up their snacking experience

Image of a five-pack of Louisville Vegan Jerky. The flavors included are Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, and Buffalo Dill. Each pack is 3 ounces and contains 15-21 grams of protein. The ingredients are gluten-free and cholesterol-free.

Similar Products Comparison

To help you compare Louisville Vegan Jerky with other similar products on the market, we have created a table that shows some key features and differences among them.

Product Base Ingredient Protein per Serving Fat per Serving Calories per Serving Flavors Price per Bag
Louisville Vegan Jerky Textured soy protein 15-21g 4g 80-120 Smoked Black Pepper, Perfect Pepperoni, Maple Bacon, Carolina BBQ, Buffalo Dill $7.20
Primal Spirit Foods Primal Strips Soy protein isolate or seitan (wheat protein) 10g 1-3g 74-108 Hickory Smoked, Texas BBQ, Teriyaki, Thai Peanut, Hot & Spicy, Mesquite Lime $1.59
Noble Jerky Soy protein isolate 14g 2.5g 70 Original, Teriyaki, Sweet BBQ, Chipotle $6.99
Pan’s Mushroom Jerky Shiitake mushrooms 2-4g 0-1g 100-130 Original, Zesty Thai, Applewood BBQ, Salt & Pepper $8.99
Upton’s Naturals Jerky Bites Wheat gluten and pea protein 13g 1.5g 100 Smoky Original, Tarragon Ginger Lime, Pineapple Pink Peppercorn, Sriracha Horseradish $4.99

As you can see from the table, Louisville Vegan Jerky has the highest protein and fat content per serving among the products, which means it can provide more energy and satiety. It also has the most variety of flavors, offering something for everyone’s taste buds. The price per bag is higher than some of the products, but it is reasonable considering the quality and quantity of the jerky.

Representative Product Reviews

To give you an idea of what other customers think about Louisville Vegan Jerky, we have selected some representative product reviews from Amazon. We have rewritten them to make them more concise and informative.

– “I love this jerky! It is so flavorful and satisfying. I have tried all the flavors and they are all delicious. My favorite is the maple bacon, which has a sweet and smoky taste that reminds me of real bacon. The jerky is also very chewy and tender, not dry or tough like some other vegan jerkies. I highly recommend this product to anyone who loves jerky and wants a vegan alternative.”
– “This jerky is amazing! It is high in protein and low in calories, which makes it a perfect snack for my diet. It also has a great texture and flavor that is very similar to meat-based jerky. I have tried many vegan jerkies before, but this one is by far the best. The flavors are all unique and tasty, but my favorite is the buffalo dill, which has a spicy and tangy kick that I love.”
– “This jerky is okay, but not great. It is too salty and oily for my liking. It also has a weird aftertaste that lingers in my mouth. The flavors are not very distinct or natural, they taste more like artificial seasonings. The jerky is also too soft and mushy, not chewy and firm like real jerky. I was expecting more from this product, but I was disappointed.”

Purchase Link

If you are interested in buying Louisville Vegan Jerky, you can order it online from Amazon. You can choose from different flavors and quantities, depending on your preference and budget. You can also get free shipping if you are a Prime member or if you order over $25 worth of products.

We hope this article has given you a comprehensive overview of Louisville Vegan Jerky and why it is a delicious and healthy snack for everyone. Whether you are vegan or not, you can enjoy this plant-based jerky as a convenient and satisfying snack that can boost your protein intake and satisfy your cravings. Try it today and see for yourself why it is one of the best vegan jerkies on the market.

[Buy Louisville Vegan Jerky on Amazon].

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