Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal Review: A Delicious and Crunchy Cereal with a Mouthwatering Cinnamon and Sugar Flavor

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal Review

If you are looking for a delicious and crunchy cereal that will make your mornings more enjoyable, you might want to try Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal. This cereal is made from crispy whole wheat and rice squares that are coated with a blend of real cinnamon and sugar, creating a mouthwatering flavor that will satisfy your sweet tooth. In this article, we will review the product details, features, benefits, application of the crowd, similar products comparison, and some representative product reviews of Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal. We hope this article will help you decide whether this cereal is right for you and where to buy it.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal, Crispy Cinnamon Cereal, Giant Size, 27 oz Cereal Box

Product Details

A large yellow box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. The box has a picture of a bowl of cereal with milk and a spoon. The cereal is made of wheat and rice and is coated in cinnamon and sugar.

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal is a product of General Mills, a leading food company that produces many popular brands such as Cheerios, Lucky Charms, and Nature Valley. The product comes in a giant size box that contains 27 ounces of cereal, which is equivalent to about 18 servings. Each serving provides 16 grams of whole grain, 12 vitamins and minerals, a good source of calcium, and an excellent source of vitamin D. The product is also certified kosher and gluten-free. The ingredients list includes whole grain wheat, rice, sugar, canola oil, cinnamon, salt, dextrose, trisodium phosphate, soy lecithin, caramel color, and natural flavor. The nutrition facts per serving (3/4 cup) are as follows:

– Calories: 170
– Total fat: 4.5 grams
– Saturated fat: 0.5 grams
– Trans fat: 0 grams
– Cholesterol: 0 milligrams

A large red and white striped bowl filled with Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal. The cereal is made of small, crunchy squares of wheat and rice that are coated in a sweet cinnamon sugar glaze. The bowl is sitting on a white table.

– Sodium: 220 milligrams
– Total carbohydrate: 33 grams
– Dietary fiber: 2 grams
– Total sugars: 12 grams
– Added sugars: 12 grams
– Protein: 2 grams
– Vitamin D: 4 micrograms
– Calcium: 100 milligrams
– Iron: 5.4 milligrams
– Potassium: 45 milligrams

Features and Benefits

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal has many features and benefits that make it a great choice for breakfast or snack. Some of them are:

– It has a delicious cinnamon and sugar flavor that appeals to both kids and adults.

A box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch breakfast cereal. The box is yellow and red, and features the Cinnamon Toast Crunch mascot, a cartoon character named 'CinnaMon'. The cereal is made of wheat and rice, and is coated in a cinnamon and sugar mixture.

– It has a crispy and crunchy texture that stays fresh and does not get soggy in milk.
– It has a high amount of whole grain that provides fiber and other nutrients for a balanced diet.
– It has a rich amount of vitamin D that helps support bone health and immune system function.
– It has a low amount of saturated fat and cholesterol that helps maintain heart health and blood pressure.
– It has a gluten-free formula that is suitable for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
– It has a kosher certification that meets the dietary requirements of Jewish consumers.

Application of the Crowd

Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal is a versatile cereal that can be enjoyed by different types of consumers. Some of them are:

– People who love sweet and spicy flavors and want to start their day with a satisfying and tasty breakfast.

A close-up image of a bowl of Cinnamon Toast Crunch cereal with a milk splash. The cereal is made of small, square-shaped pieces of wheat and rice that are coated in a cinnamon and sugar mixture. The cereal is also available in a giant size, 27 oz cereal box.

– People who are looking for a quick and easy breakfast that can be prepared in minutes and does not require cooking or baking.
– People who are looking for a healthy breakfast that contains whole grain, vitamins, minerals, and calcium, and does not contain artificial flavors or colors.
– People who are looking for a gluten-free breakfast that does not contain wheat, barley, rye, or oats, and is safe for people with celiac disease or gluten sensitivity.
– People who are looking for a kosher breakfast that follows the Jewish dietary laws and is certified by a reliable authority.

Similar Products Comparison

To help you compare Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal with other similar products, we have created a table that shows the main features and differences of four other cinnamon-flavored cereals. The table is as follows:

Product Name Manufacturer Size Whole Grain Vitamin D Gluten-Free Kosher Price
Cascadian Farm Organic Cinnamon Crunch Cereal Cascadian Farm 10.3 oz 14 g per serving 0 mcg per serving No Yes $3.28
Magic Spoon Cinnamon Cereal Magic Spoon 7 oz 0 g per serving 0 mcg per serving Yes No $9.99

As you can see from the table, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal has the largest size, the highest amount of vitamin D, and the lowest price among the five products. It also has a high amount of whole grain, and is gluten-free and kosher. The other products have some advantages and disadvantages, such as being organic, having more fiber, or having less sugar, but they also have some drawbacks, such as being smaller, having less vitamin D, or being more expensive. Therefore, we think that Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal is the best value for money and the best choice for most consumers.

Representative Product Reviews

To give you a better idea of what other consumers think about Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal, we have selected some representative product reviews from Amazon. We have rewritten them to make them more concise and clear, and we have also added our comments to highlight the pros and cons of the product. The reviews are as follows:

– Review 1: “I love this cereal. It has a great cinnamon flavor and a nice crunch. It is not too sweet and it does not get soggy in milk. It is also gluten-free, which is important for me. I eat it every morning and sometimes as a snack. It is a good source of whole grain and vitamin D. I highly recommend it.” (5 stars)

– Comment: This review shows that the product has a great taste, texture, and quality. It also shows that the product is suitable for gluten-free consumers and provides some health benefits.

– Review 2: “This cereal is okay, but not my favorite. It has a decent cinnamon flavor, but it is too sugary for me. It also has a lot of artificial ingredients and preservatives, which I try to avoid. It is not very filling and it makes me hungry soon after eating it. It is not worth the price.” (3 stars)

– Comment: This review shows that the product has some drawbacks, such as being too sweet, having artificial ingredients, and not being satisfying. It also shows that the product is not very affordable for some consumers.

– Review 3: “This cereal is terrible. It has a bland and stale flavor and a soft and mushy texture. It does not taste like cinnamon at all. It also has a lot of calories, fat, and carbs, which are bad for my health. It is not gluten-free, which is a problem for me. I do not recommend it.” (1 star)

– Comment: This review shows that the product has a poor taste, texture, and quality. It also shows that the product is not healthy and not gluten-free. It is possible that the reviewer received a defective or expired product, or that they have different preferences and expectations.


In conclusion, Cinnamon Toast Crunch Breakfast Cereal is a delicious and crunchy cereal that has a mouthwatering cinnamon and sugar flavor. It is made from whole wheat and rice squares that are coated with real cinnamon and sugar. It provides 16 grams of whole grain, 12 vitamins and minerals, a good source of calcium, and an excellent source of vitamin D per serving. It is also gluten-free and kosher certified. It is a versatile cereal that can be enjoyed by different types of consumers, whether they are looking for a sweet and spicy breakfast, a quick and easy snack, a healthy and balanced diet, or a gluten-free and kosher option. It is also the best value for money among similar products, as it has the largest size, the highest amount of vitamin D, and the lowest price. Most consumers love this cereal and give it positive reviews, but some consumers may find it too sweet, too artificial, or too unsatisfying. If you are interested in trying this cereal, you can buy it online from Amazon by clicking [here]. We hope you enjoy it and have a great day!

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